life in America

“A Nation Gone Under”

I can’t imagine calling anywhere else in the world home.  I remember growing up, my family instilled in me what an honor it is to be an American.  It’s the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Even today, despite all that is wrong with our great country, I am still proud to call this my home and myself an American.  The men and women of our armed forces have fought, many have given their lives so that we have the freedoms we do today.

It’s time that we as Americans go back to a more simple time when we believed in the word of God and live by the Amendments of the Constitution on which this great country was founded.  This is not intended to be a rant of religion or politics, but a message of how we need to treat our fellow Americans.  We should “love thy neighbor” and “treat others the way we would want to be treated”.  Ronald Reagan said it best, “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be one nation gone under.”

With that said, it would never matter if you are black, white, hispanic, middle eastern, oriental, straight, gay, transgender, conservative, liberal….I think you get the point.  I have friends of all race and sexual preference.  I don’t think any less or any more of them if we don’t see things the same way.  We all don’t have to believe in the same ideas or beliefs.  Everyone is entitled to voice his or her opinions.  It’s a little thing we call the 1st Amendment and one of the many reasons what it means to be an American.  This is our right, but it his does not give us the right to be disrespectful to others who don’t share the same opinions or beliefs as you or I.  Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

There will always be differences.  (“Haters”, hate groups, white supremacy, racism the list goes on and on.)  No one is born to hate, hate is learned and/or taught.  I wish this wasn’t the case but it is and probably always will be.  I see these individuals as ignorant.  Not stupid, but ignorant.  There is a difference.  Ignorant is uneducated or lacking knowledge and anyone can fix that through education.  Stupid on the other hand, in my opinion is lacking intelligence and common sense (which appears to almost non-existent today, The Sad Passing of Common Sense ) and the inability to achieve higher learning. We are always most afraid of things we know little or nothing about.  No one race is better than any other.  To say that any one race are all criminals, simply just isn’t true.  There are good and bad people in every race.

This very same thing could be said about the travel ban.  America is not saying that all of these people are bad, only that there are bad people who’s intentions are not as honest as we would like to believe.  This is not meant to offend, but to protect you and I and our other fellow Americans from the dangers outside our boarders.  To just allow anyone to come into America to stay or live without the proper documentation, is insulting to the people who have worked hard and are proud of  being legal American citizens.  America has never said to ANYONE that you are not welcome.  All we are asking is that you come to America legally.  Don’t just take my word for it.  Here is what one of our own soldiers had to say about people beyond our boarders ( U.S. Marine Speaks the Truth).  Other countries in the world have different beliefs and ideas.  Some of the countries do not hold our same beliefs and they do not value life as we Americans do. We need to stop holding the hands of the countries that do nothing but spit in our faces.freedom