family and friends, life in America

Where were You……

It’s hard to believe it has been sixteen years since the most heinous attack on American soil in American history.  These people came to America exploited our kindness, hospitality and “everyone’s welcome” here in America with only one thing in mind.  They lived among us, educated themselves and learned how to fly with the sole purpose to kill Americans.

So someone please tell me why there are people who are against the travel ban?

America lost 2,996 people on this day.  Regular everyday people became heroes and fought back against the terrorists sacrificing their own lives to save others.  Many brave first responders gave their own lives to save others.  It was a time that united ALL of America and every American.

It is a day that is burned in our minds for the rest of our lives.  Everyone can tell you where they were and what they were doing on this day.

It is a day that should NEVER be forgotten…….ever!  Every American should remember this day.  All young and future Americans should learn about this time in American history and what it truly means to be an American and live in the greatest country in the world.

I have over 1,300 songs in my playlist that I listen to daily that play at random.  When this song comes on, most days I choose to skip it because it is still a strong and painful reminder of how I and many other Americans felt on this day and many days that followed.  Today it happened to play.  It was my moment of silence to pay respect all the lives that were lost on this day.  To listen, hear and let myself feel the way I felt sixteen years ago.

This song says everything about every American and how we felt and where we were when the world stopped turning.

Where were you when the world stopped turnin’

That September day?
Were you in the yard with your wife and children
Or workin’ on some stage in L.A.?
Did you stand there in shock at the sight of that black smoke
Risin’ against that blue sky?
Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry?
Did you weep for the children, they lost their dear loved ones
Pray for the ones who don’t know?
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below?
Did you burst out with pride for the red, white, and blue
And the heroes who died just doin’ what they do?
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself and what really matters?
I’m just a singer of simple songs
I’m not a real political man
I watch CNN, but I’m not sure I can tell you
The diff’rence in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love
Where were you when the world stopped turnin’
That September day?
Teachin’ a class full of innocent children
Or drivin’ down some cold interstate?
Did you feel guilty ’cause you’re a survivor?
In a crowded room did you feel alone?
Did you call up your mother and tell her you love her?
Did you dust off that Bible at home?
Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened
Close your eyes and not go to sleep?
Did you notice the sunset for the first time in ages
And speak to some stranger on the street?
Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow
Go out and buy you a gun?
Did you turn off that violent old movie you’re watchin’
And turn on I Love Lucy reruns?
Did you go to a church and hold hands with some strangers
Stand in line to give your own blood?
Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family
Thank God you had somebody to love?
I’m just a singer of simple songs
I’m not a real political man
I watch CNN, but I’m not sure I can tell you
The diff’rence in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love
I’m just a singer of simple songs
I’m not a real political man
I watch CNN, but I’m not sure I can tell you
The diff’rence in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love
And the greatest is love
And the greatest is love
Where were you when the world stopped turnin’
On that September day?

Written and performed by Alan Jackson

911 never forget

family and friends

To have Loved and Lost?

As the weekend comes to a close and as I sit here tonight, for the first time I feel lonely.  I miss not having someone who I love to sit with, talk to, share my day, hold, kiss, laugh or just to be in each others company.  I have always been a very independent person, happy with or without someone and confident and comfortable with who I am.  This isn’t about being alone at all.  After forty-four years, I finally know what it feels like to love and to be loved only to have it all just go away one day, as it never happened. It seems so long ago but it’s only been 9 months.

I lost you

Is it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved before?  If you would have asked me this 3 years ago, my answer would have unequivocally been yes, without a doubt.  Love is a very intense, wonderful feeling.  It is euphoric and a happiness like no other.  To love and to have lost is the most painful heartache that I have ever experienced in my entire life.  To give everything that is you to another person, leaves you very vulnerable to the worst heartbreak anyone could ever imagine.  So, is it worth the risk?

Even though the pain has been crippling leaving too many days to count, I thought I would never make it.  Honestly I didn’t care if I did or didn’t.  I have never felt so alone even though I had family and friends that supported and helped me make it to where I am today.  No one wants to be alone.  It is human nature to want to share your life, you day, the good ones and the bad with someone you love.  God did not intended us to be solitary.  We find comfort and warmth when we have loved ones to share our lives with.

I have been working on a blog about this experience, but it has been difficult.  Having to re-live all the pain and misery has been difficult but I’m working through it, slowly.  As I mentioned before, my goal is to put out a blog at least twice a week, that being Mondays and Fridays.  So I am pushing through and I hope to be back on track.  I hope that my experiences will help and maybe give comfort to others who have had similar events happen to them.  I will continue to work on my blog about depression and will post it as soon as it is completed, but until then, there are many things waiting to be discussed.

I am always open and welcome discussions on this topic or any others so don’t be shy.


family and friends

Gone Guy

Sometimes I think back about last year and how much has changed and how different my life is today.    

The last two years have been the best and the worst times in my life.  I have never been so happy, content and on top of the world.  I finally felt like I was “home” and where I belonged.  I have lost some of the most loved and important people in my life, but nothing could have prepared me for such a shocking and strange turn of events.

I have never suffered from depression, panic attacks or anxiey, but I suddenly found myself in the darkest times of my life.  I have a newfound respect and understanding of just how severe and debilitating depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be.  I am a very strong-willed, independent, positive person.  I have never needed anyone in my life to make it complete, nor am I co-dependant.  I have a positive outlook and know that there is always something to be learned and taken from every situation no matter how bad it might be.  To date, I am still unclear what it is that I am to understand and take away from this time in my life.  Some day it will become clear.  So, until then……

After finally getting free from a loveless, dysfunctional twenty-one year marriage, I decided to give online dating one more try.  A few days before Christmas 2014, I met the most amazing man.  We had so much in common and it was like we had known each other for years.  We spent all of our free time together.  My kids accepted him and I couldn’t have asked for a better father figure.  He filled a huge void for them (another blog for another time).  This is just how I imagined a relationship should be.  We supported each other in all of our endeavors and passions, and I finally understood at the age of forty-four what it felt like to be loved by someone and what it meant to truly love another.    

I craved his presence not his attention.  His job required that he travel some and we hated to be apart from one another.  He was usually only away for five days, but it seemed like an eternity.  During his absence, I felt as though a part of me was missing. We both counted the days as they dragged on until he returned.  I couldn’t help but worry when he was away.  To imagine a life without him hurt my heart and I felt as if someone had knocked the air out of me, leaving me gasping for my next breath.  Being apart from him even if it was only a few hours was painful.  I felt like I had lost so much time in my previous marriage and didn’t want more time to slip away from such a great relationship.  I was always so excited and eager to see him again when we were apart. To hug him, hold his hand, kiss him and just to spend time with him brought me so much joy, happiness and a smile to my face.  Oh, how he made me smile….. and laugh.  I can’t ever recall a time in my adult life that I felt so happy and full of life.  He brought so much love and brightness into my life.  He always made me feel like the most beautiful, loved and important woman in the entire world.  I was his world and he was mine. We were all each other ever needed and we were both the happiest we had ever been. He made me feel safe.  I loved everything about him, even all of his flaws.  I was responsible for his heart and he mine.  I know that this is how love is supposed to be and to truly love another makes anyone vulnerability to a broken heart.      

After several months of dating, he asked me to marry him.  I was honored to be his wife and couldn’t imagine being married to anyone else.  The thought of spending the rest of my life with him was all I could ever want.  We married in October 2015 and in February 2016, bought a house together that would accommodate our new family.  We made plans, talked about our future, where we’d like to retire and maybe buy a lake or beach house for our kids and us to all enjoy.  

Just a little more than a year ago, he underwent a total knee replacement.  He had other knee surgeries in the past and was up and about the next day.  Of course they were much less invasive and he hated being out of commission too long.  I told him that this was going to be very different and to not expect to be up and about as he has been in the past. Needless to say, he was in an extreme amount of pain.  It was a lot of trial and error before his doctor finally came up with a drug combination that gave him the most relief. Percocet, which most of you may not realize is prescription heroin.  Taking it only two weeks, you can become addicted.  Percocet becomes a normal chemistry process of the brain and when you stop taking it you will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms as your brain tries to re-regulate your brain chemistry.  He was also prescribed Gabapentin as medication to treat seizures, and one of its off label uses is for pain.  These two provided the most relief.  We were unaware at the time that it is not recommended to take opioids with Gabapentin as it can significantly increase side effects.  When the body is in extreme pain, there is little concern as to the consequences what drugs and drug combinations can do to your mind and/or body.  He took his medication as prescribed. Percocet every 4 hours and Gabapentin every 8 hours around the clock, never missing a single dose for just over 6 weeks.  I was concerned as time went on because I knew he would not be able to stay on Percocet forever and he needed to find someway to begin to taper off.  He did not share my same concern at first, but did admit that he was beginning to worry the further away we got from his surgery.  You can read more about addiction and treatment on

In October (2016) as he began to have less post surgical pain, we discussed with his doctor about tapering off.  The doctor recommended dropping the midday dose of Gabapentin but to keep with the same dose of Percocet at this time.  He did as the doctor recommended but since the drug has a very short half-life, only 5 to 7 hours, withdrawal symptoms begin twelve hours after the last dose was taken.  He did this for a short time but since his pain was much improved, he made the decision to stop taking Gabapentin. By doing this he suffered just about all the withdraw symptoms and after reading about Gabapentin, we both realized that stopping “cold turkey” was is a huge mistake.  This drug works by changing the way in which nerves send messages to your brain.  Stopping abruptly can cause seizures, increased blood pressure, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, agitation and many other symptoms.  Another reason this is not recommended is because it can alter brain function.  In some individuals it can take up to a year from the last dose for normal brain function to return while for others may never return.  These side effects become more severe when these two drugs are combined.  I did some research online and discovered that everyone who had suddenly stopped taking it without tapering had to put themselves back on their original dose and begin a slow taper.  The time of duration and taper depends on how much and how long you have been taking the medication.  You can read more by going to this link Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms & Duration.  He was slowly becoming someone I did not recognize.  He was depressed, agitated and withdrawn.  He was clearly not the same caring and patient man I fell in love with and everyone noticed the change.

All I wanted was my husband back.  We discussed how he was feeling and what was going on with him on several occasions.  I felt that things were not the same since making the attempt to get off his medication and the man I knew was slowly slipping away from me.  Honestly, he changed the day he just stopped taking Gabapentin.  Even though he started back on it and began to slowly taper, he wasn’t the same person.  It was as if someone flipped a switch and he was a completely different. I told him that it didn’t seem like he was happy and if he wasn’t happy with me or our life, it would break my heart if he left, but I did not want him to stay somewhere if he wasn’t happy.  He assured me that he we were ok and he was working on it.  As the days passed, it seemed like he was slowly making his way back to the man he was.  As the holidays grew near, we discussed Christmas.  He just didn’t seem like his heart was in any of it.  

He had to travel for work the first week of December and while he was away, my daughter and I decorated for Christmas, hoping this would bring him some happiness when he returned.  He seem excited to be home and as usual, I was excited he was home too.  The weekend rolls around.  On Sunday he did the laundry, we watched football and prepared for the week ahead. Monday morning, he got up, got us both a cup of coffee as he always did. I got ready for work, kissed him goodbye and went off to work. We always texted throughout the day and he would always text me asking when I was going to be home (He worked from home).  I had an easy day so I texted him and told him I’d be home soon. He replied “great!”.  My daughter noticed that our yorkie seemed to be missing. This was his dog he had before we met.  My husband had left and didn’t tell anyone that he was leaving or where he was going, which was not his norm.  My daughter called and said she couldn’t find our yorkie.  I texted my husband, asked if she was with him because my daughter couldn’t find her.  Since he was driving I knew it might be a bit before I heard back. I called him and the phone went to voicemail. When I tried again, the call was ended. This was all very strange because he always took my calls.  He texted me back.  His text said “It’s better this way, I’ll text you when I get where I’m going.”  I texted him back and asked what he was talking about and questioned if he was leaving me. He replied “yes”.  The morning of December 19, 2015 was the last time I saw and actually spoke words to my husband and the day my life changed…..forever.

family and friends

In The Beginning…

Do you ever wonder what it is that makes life fun and worth living?  This is something I  have thought about and questioned especially over the last several months.  I think about what makes life fun, worth living and enjoyable.  I always come back to the same answers.  Family and friends, the people in our lives that are important to us. They make the things we do fun and exciting. We always look forward to spending time with the special people in our lives.  They are the ones who make us smile, laugh and just bring us joy and a good time.

These people are the ones we love, care about and trust with our most private thoughts. They are also the same people that can hurt, betray, let us down and leaving us wondering why the ones so close to us could hurt us so deeply.  We are so invested in these relationships that when this bond is broken or damaged in any way, it hurts us so deeply.  It causes us sometimes overwhelming pain, sadness, depression, anger and distrust. We trust our family and friends with our most personal thoughts, joys, and concerns.  We are totally invested in our friends and loved ones, or at least we should be.
Not having these people in our lives can make our lives feel lonely with little enjoyment and nothing fun or exciting to look forward to.

We all go through things in our life. Events is what I like to call them.  They are usually life changing in some way, whether it is good, bad, happy or sad.  These events make us stronger although at times it doesn’t seem always be the case.  Leaving us feeling like we are at our lowest and weakest possible point.

I have always been told that God would never give us more that we can handle. There have been many times that I have questioned this as I’m sure many others have as well.  I have even questioned God as to why he would let something bad happen to us.  At times life doesn’t always seem fair and why would God want anyone to feel such hurt, pain and sadness?  It is all part of the journey of life shaping us into who we are. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people.  Each of these events big or small, point us in new and sometimes different directions that we thought we may never find ourselves going.

This is what brought me here today.  Several months ago I found myself in a place I never thought would every happen. It was a huge life changing event.  I found myself  in the darkest, lowest place in my life.  Honestly, it was a place that I thought I would never find my way out of.  It made me realize that sharing my story would not only help me get well, it could possibly help others.