family and friends

In The Beginning…

Do you ever wonder what it is that makes life fun and worth living?  This is something I  have thought about and questioned especially over the last several months.  I think about what makes life fun, worth living and enjoyable.  I always come back to the same answers.  Family and friends, the people in our lives that are important to us. They make the things we do fun and exciting. We always look forward to spending time with the special people in our lives.  They are the ones who make us smile, laugh and just bring us joy and a good time.

These people are the ones we love, care about and trust with our most private thoughts. They are also the same people that can hurt, betray, let us down and leaving us wondering why the ones so close to us could hurt us so deeply.  We are so invested in these relationships that when this bond is broken or damaged in any way, it hurts us so deeply.  It causes us sometimes overwhelming pain, sadness, depression, anger and distrust. We trust our family and friends with our most personal thoughts, joys, and concerns.  We are totally invested in our friends and loved ones, or at least we should be.
Not having these people in our lives can make our lives feel lonely with little enjoyment and nothing fun or exciting to look forward to.

We all go through things in our life. Events is what I like to call them.  They are usually life changing in some way, whether it is good, bad, happy or sad.  These events make us stronger although at times it doesn’t seem always be the case.  Leaving us feeling like we are at our lowest and weakest possible point.

I have always been told that God would never give us more that we can handle. There have been many times that I have questioned this as I’m sure many others have as well.  I have even questioned God as to why he would let something bad happen to us.  At times life doesn’t always seem fair and why would God want anyone to feel such hurt, pain and sadness?  It is all part of the journey of life shaping us into who we are. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people.  Each of these events big or small, point us in new and sometimes different directions that we thought we may never find ourselves going.

This is what brought me here today.  Several months ago I found myself in a place I never thought would every happen. It was a huge life changing event.  I found myself  in the darkest, lowest place in my life.  Honestly, it was a place that I thought I would never find my way out of.  It made me realize that sharing my story would not only help me get well, it could possibly help others.